"Being a family means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what." ~Author Unknown

Friday, March 18, 2011

Day 2 as a Culley

We continued to get to know each other today.  Sofia did a lot of tossing and turning last night, but never cried.  She ended up sleeping until 10am so we got a late start.  We also wanted to skype with our big girls so we hung around the room for that.  By then it was lunch and nap time for Sof.  Just after she got up from her nap we got a skype call from my class!  It was so cute!  They are having pajama day at school so they all sat around the computer in their jammies.  I could have spent the whole day skyping to stay connected to home.  I'm so done here!  I really love this city and it's great to just focus on Sofia, but the idea of being home in my own routine trumps all that right now!  It's not about me though...so on to Sofie!  She loves her books.  Especially "Good Night Moon" and a color book I bought her.  She has already picked up on a couple animal sounds, and she repeats everything I say.  This girl is so ready to talk!  In fact I fear once she learns she will never stop!  She's a smart cookie though!  Delayed...but eager to catch up:)   

This evening we decided it was time to get out and face the world.  She was NOT happy about that idea.  She likes the comfort of our room, and even then she doesn't want Mark in it!  But she's a Culley now so she's gotta figure it out.  I bundled her up, stapped her in the stroller, and headed out.  She cried until we got to the street, and then she started looking around.  We headed to the mall(where else?).  She ended up doing great!  We ate in the food court and did a little shopping.  She sat in the highchair, rode in the stroller, and even walked a bit.  All big steps for her! 
I love how she drinks!
Eating some soup:)
This special face is reserved just for Mark...everytime he so much as looks at her!
See the face?  Daddy's taking the picture.  Before that she was in heaven in the shoe store.  Mommy was too until she saw every shoe was $120 and up:(
Ready to go home!
We got back to the room and had a bath, warm milk, and bed.  I already tell she's sleeping more soundly tonight!  Tomorrow we will go out walking to the flea market!


  1. So glad you are able to find things to keep you busy....after a few days in the hotel we started to lose our minds!! She is so adorable and I can't wait to see how she continues to come out of her shell! You must be having a blast dressing her and I love that she loves shoes!!!! Hopefully she finds a smile for her Daddy soon! Maybe she can keep that look for the boys down the road! Have fun!!!

  2. Wow, Jen....looks like you are in heaven!!! I know how much you miss Adrienne and Alexa, but you are GLOWING!! So happy for you :)
