"Being a family means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what." ~Author Unknown

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Oops, Easter…

So I was feeling pretty good that I was caught up on the blog.  I was going to do a quick random post from the last 2 weeks, and then I realized…


I never did an Easter post.

The Easter Bunny was generous this year.  Each girl got candy, clothes, shoes, and extras.  It looked a bit like Christmas. 

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After baskets and the egg hunt, everyone got ready for church.  I was stressing because usually I at least have a color scheme for girls clothes.  This year it seemed everyone had something different.  In the end, they all looked beautiful and the colors seem to blend just fine.





We met the cousins at church, and that was way too many colors!  I opted for black and white for this one…


That’s a six pack of beauty right there folks.

After church we went back to our house.  It was like the most perfect day.  The babies napped, the big girls played, the boys went to look at the new house, and Anne, Em, and I had coffee and chatted.  Eventually we all ventured outside(because it was actually a decent day).  Sof got some bubbles in her Easter basket that she was anxious to try.

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It was so nice we ended up changing out of the dresses and really enjoying the weather:)




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We played this fun game where we sent Natty Bug down the sidewalk with her baby stroller, then we sent Sof after her on her bike she can’t control.  Em and I stayed in the driveway and laughed while Aunt Anne went chasing after them to try and prevent Natty from ending up with bike tread on her back.  Hilarious.

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By the time evening came, Uncle Rick was off work and joined us.  The ham came back out for nighttime sandwiches, and our group had dwindled down to just 3 of the 6 kids.  The 3 middle girls were spending a few days with Grandma Linda and Papa Curt, so they were already gone. 

P1012835We really enjoyed every inch of that day.  The freedom of knowing we had the whole spring break ahead of us took all the pressure off.  

10     We sucked the life out of that day:)

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