"Being a family means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what." ~Author Unknown

Sunday, April 7, 2013

March Madness

Here at the Culley house March Madness did not include any balls, courts, or brackets.  It did include everyday chores, some extra chores on top of the everyday ones, and some big events that required attention.  My camera has still been in repair, and getting pictures off my phone is a long and frustrating process.  All this together equals no blogging.  So now I must go back and reflect on just what has been occupying our time and attention this last month. 

P1012769    Why not start with a pic of this little diva?  She’s fabulous and knows it and demands to be treated like princess she is.

At the beginning of the month we celebrated my Love’s 8th birthday.  She is beautiful, smart, and mature, and she easily pulls off the whole 8 year old thing.  That doesn’t make me like it though!

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Sof had her 2nd Gotcha day.


We bought these suckers to pass out at school.  When we stopped at Starbucks she insisted on bringing some in to pass out to our favorite baristas!  I can’t believe it’s been two years since we brought her home.  She brings so much joy to so many people. 


It’s hard to catch her dressed these days.  As soon as we get home she puts on a dance outfit. 


She is growing like a weed, and is constantly wanting to eat and drink!  She goes through a gallon of milk a week, and always wants a snack!



She has a definite idea of what looks good together, and we don’t always agree:)


She loves the iPad…


and dance class!


She is a smart cookie!  She loves her books and I’m certain she’ll be reading before kindergarten!

She also loves our Starbucks mornings on Fridays.  Sometimes I let Lexi skip the first hour of school and join us:)



The thing she loves most though is talking!  She talks, and talks, and talks some more.  Until your ears are bleeding.


She keeps us busy that’s for sure!  Lexi’s birthday is the day after Gotcha Day, so we had a joint celebration.  More to come on that, and my middle girl turning 11 in a separate post!


March is a big birthday month in our family.  Olivia, my mom, Lexi, and my dad are all March bdays.  We always do one big combined family party.  This year we added Natalie and Kaitlyn to the party because they fall in April.  My mom will be having knee surgery early in April, so we took the opportunity to celebrate everyone in March. 

6It was a good exercise in self control for Sof.  No presents, no candles, no singing for her.  She did pretty well considering:)

12My sweet peanut was explaining to Sof that she could help open presents:)




Between all the celebrations we were busy with everyday stuff.  We had church.

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We had grocery shopping.



We had some dance events that required costume altering.


We had dinner out with the cousins.



We had some grown up nights out.  Mike and Alison will be moving soon, so we’re cherishing every moment with them:( 


Darryl shaved his head in a charity event for cancer.  Who knew he looked so much like his dad?



Em had her hair cut and straightened.  She stopped by right after and Sof asked, “Where’s your circle hair?”


We had school days.


Lexi had a 50’s Sock Hop at her her school.  She looked online at 50’s fashion and put this together all by herself!


Lexi and I snuck out for a little dinner together.  Her favorite…Panera.



Lexi got to bring the snack for Girl Scouts in March.  Four stores later I found the rainbow licorice.

The house is coming along.  We’ve had blueprint meetings and it’s starting to shape up!



Like usual, we’ve spent hours in the car dropping off and picking up big girls.


We had a charity volleyball game I played in for my school.  All you need to know is we won(the first game…of 3). 

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The weather has been crap.  I’m not bitter though.  It has provided some good fun in the snow.  Lexi and jack worked a full 2 days on this fort!


We’ve seen a little(I mean LITTLE) peek of better weather to come.  The sun is such a welcome sight!

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Funny story about this…


Mark went out one morning before work and got me a Starbucks.  He left it on the counter for me.  We are regulars at our local Starbucks, and know all the baristas by name.  One of our favorites is Tony.  I call him my boy crush because I think he’s such a cutie!  As I was getting ready I had this sitting on the bathroom counter.  Lexi came in, saw it and asked, “Mom!  Did Tony write that?”  LOL

Insert random cute picture…


In other crazy events this month, we went to high school orientation for Adrienne, and middle school orientation for Lexi.  Really, how is that possible?  They are both very ready for the new challenge, and we’ve got them all registered in their new prospective schools. 

It’s been a busy, exhausting month.  We’ve had a lot of fun too though, and got a lot of things accomplished.

37Me…on the couch…in my heels and coat that I didn’t even bother to take off before sitting down after a late night meeting.

23That catches us up on March happenings, except Lexi’s B-day, which earns itself it’s own post.  I’m back, and I’ll try to be better!

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