"Being a family means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what." ~Author Unknown

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Playing Hooky Fall Style

As I was driving to work this morning I was thinking, "I should have planned to pick the girls up early from school and go apple picking". I like to do that once a year because it's such a treat to go to the orchard in the afternoon. School field trips are always there in the mornings and weekends are crazy. I like to sneak in between those. My theory is that it won't hurt my children's chance of going to college if they miss an afternoon of school, and they just may gain a memory. Back to my morning...at school we were doing all things apple today. Graphing, tasting, peeling, and making applesauce. This only heightened my yearning for an afternoon with my kids. By 10:00 I had called all 3 schools and told them I was picking up by 12:30, and called my mom who happens to be in town. I sent my classroom kiddies to lunch and jumped in my car to do the pick up rounds. Sof and Lexi were pumped, Adrienne was worried about things like homework and being late to dance and not getting to bed on time because of homework and dance. Seriously? I'm busy creating a Hallmark moment and you want to be responsible?? Now? Like any good parent I guilted her into going and yes, she was up late doing homework. Oops. But...it was all worth it because once we got there it was good fun. There were big sisters helping little sisters and a tiny Russian squealing with delight. It was an hour of fall fun I was on a mission to have. Now I believe we have to do some baking with all those apples...

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