"Being a family means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what." ~Author Unknown

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas Eve 2012

If I were to pick a theme for the holiday it would be unpreparedness.  There were so many things I wished I could have done!  At the end of the day though, all my wish I could’ve, should’ve, would’ve, were all aesthetic.  The important things were all there and done.  Some of you are saying, “Yeah sure, she’s over dramatizing.  It was probably all perfect.”  Nope.  Not this time.  You want proof?  Examples?  Sure.  Let’s see, where to start.  I was hurried getting ready, my up-do was fine, but way too many bangs on the face.  Didn’t have time to fix it, so I went with it.

PC247063    Don’t even give me the “You look fine” obligatory line.  My dress made me look fat and fake eye lashes were falling off to boot.  I’m fine with it all though.  So I didn’t have my best “looking” year, that’s fine, I don’t care.  It was fun and I just avoided mirrors.

You want more proof?  How ‘bout this story…


(yes I took my phone out and snapped this at church, the first try the flash went off, nice) in the middle of church I took a donation envelope and wrote an appetizer list, put $50 in it, and handed it to my sister to stop at the grocery store.  I sent her because I had to get home to greet the first guests.  True story people.  I made the crab dip while our friends were already there.


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None of this stuff ever matters in the end.  If I always waited to be perfectly organized, ideal weight, and house looking spiffy, I would literally never do anything or see anybody!  Anyway, I suspect the whole manger scene wasn’t exactly how Mary would’ve wanted it, so I’m going with the idea that I was just honoring Jesus’ hot mess birth with my hot mess Eve party!  Not everything was disheveled.  My kids of course looked perfect:)

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When we walked out of church there was big snowflakes falling and accumulating.  As if to say, “It is Christmas, go home and hunker down with your people.”


Sal had to work that day because she used all her time off with Don’s illness.  The girls were anxiously awaiting her arrival, knowing the fun would start then.  And it did.


Mark bought lottery tickets for all the kids.  Not many winners, but the anticipation was the fun part anyway!


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Sal brought poppers like she usually does.  I thought Kaitlyn was going to flip when she saw them.  Apparently she remembers them, because she was totally excited to do them!



After that everyone cleared out, and we were left with the regular crew, minus Don:(


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We thought about Don, and we talked about him.  We even poured him a glass of champagne:)  His spirit was with us and in honor of him we celebrated, and we were happy.  He would want it that way. 


Cutest packaging ever from Aunt Sal!


One of the joys of this Christmas for all of us, has been watching Sof’s excitement and anticipation.  She knows what’s going to happen this year, and understands about Santa! 


She made reindeer food at school and has been waiting for days to sprinkle it on the driveway!  With great excitement she got her sissy to brave the snow and cold and take her out!

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With that it was time for a book and bed.


And I heard him exclaim ‘er he drove out of sight, “Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!”

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