"Being a family means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what." ~Author Unknown

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Daycare Day

Sof started Tutor Time today:( She went for a short day to ease into it because I have to go back to work next week. She rose to the occasion as I knew she would. Certainly there is a part of me that wishes I was home all the time and could take her to prechool a few days a week instead of real daycare, but that's not the reality of our life. I have to go to work, and she needs to be cared for from 8-12:30. So, she's going to Tutor Time and I'm sure we'll be very happy there. My nieces both went there and they are fabulous! It was a great day to start because one of the little girls was having a birthday, and Sof loves a party! She had cupcakes and came home with a little gift bag. Too cute. The child was adorable and so excited to tell me that it was her b-day. I had a whole conversation with this child(who was a head taller than Sof) and she was clearly so ready to move up to the preschool program. It wasn't until later that I really connected the fact that this child was only 2 months older than Sof. I really forget she has delays most the time. Her small stature, her language, and her demeanor all fit together. I really am not worried at all about her catching up, it's just sad to think of the time she's lost. Overall she had a great day and I know she's going to benefit from the structure, kids, and education. Everytime I leave her she proves to herself she can do it without me. That's the whole goal of parenting...giving your kids the power to do it on their own. But, everytime I come back I prove to her I'll always be there.

First of all, how cute is the name "Preppers"? That's Sof's class which is 2 1/2 -3 1/2 year olds. Second, how cute is it that they made her a sign with all the kids handprints on it to welcome her! Love it!

1 comment:

  1. I am so proud of her! These pictures make me miss Tutor Time and wish the kids were there to be with Sof! Kaitlyn would have loved to be the "big girl" there and help her : )
