"Being a family means you are part of something wonderful. It means you will love and be loved for the rest of your life. No matter what." ~Author Unknown

Wednesday, December 20, 2017


December first is always an anxiously awaited day in our house.  My kids LOVE our advent tradition.  Gifts every third day and candy the others.  It was highly anticipated when the gifts went under the tree.

IMG_2733 Sof is always up early the first day!  She got a slinky and played with it plenty before school!


Somehow we ended up with an over abundance of Christmas themed outfits this year so we had to start wearing them right away!  It was like Sof had a whole new wardrobe for December.  Her favorite were the emoji leggings!



I love vest weather.  I love wearing vests myself, and I super love that look on Sof!




Pretty quickly it turned to full on winter weather.  Sof’s new coat and snowpants were pretty darn cute too, but wearing snow gear is seriously such a pain!



Natalie did a Musical Theater class at her school with the theme of Trolls.  She’s quite the performer, but mostly if no one(or just close family) is watching.  So we weren’t sure how she’d do.  She was nervous, but she did so good!  We’re so proud of how much she’s come out of her shell! 


We had a Friday night out at the brewery and Sof and Nat loved it!  They had games and popcorn, it was practically a kids event. #exceptalcohol


Adrienne took Cullen to a jazz club in Chicago for his birthday.  I can’t get over how cute they were.


Random fact: Sof loves it when I use the treadmill in the morning.  She gets out of bed early so she can come in the basement.  She waits patiently until the cool down and then I let her jump on.  Usually I’ll walk behind her.  It’s 3 minutes of pure happiness for her!


My mom and dad were in one Friday night and I happened to catch this candid photo of everyone doing their thing.  So funny!


Advent continued to be exciting through the month. 


For Sof this year I tried to have some of her gifts involve experiences.  For example, I gave her a couple holiday books with a note saying we’d read them with hot chocolate.  I also gave her a puzzle to take on a Starbucks date.  This one was really fun for both of us!


Sof had an eye appointment and Lexi wanted to go with because we always stop at our favorite bakery after.  We made a day of it and did lunch too!


The doctor wanted her to wear a patch for 4 hours a day for a couple months, so we started right away.  There was an adjustment, but she managed to decorate her gingerbread house with it on! 


We had a cousins Friday night and Livy loved it.



We went to see Kaitlyn play again.  This time she had all her cousin’s support!


We had another cheer competition.  Sof’s team walked away with first!


Sof got lotions for all the extra staff at her school.  She loves filling out cards and giving these little gifts each year. 


We actually had enough snow for a snow day!  The kids played outside all afternoon!


Sof made a snowman in the neighbor’s yard because she wanted their 2 year old to see it!


Sof tried out for the talent show with a bunch of friends.


Adrienne lookin’ fierce at a dance rehearsal!


We made cookies and apparently these were the only pics I could get.  I don’t really remember it, but judging from the pics(or lack there of) it must not have been going well, LOL.



All of this just to get to the holiday!  It feels like it must be time to party!

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